Marriage : Choosing the right partner is Key to your Success

When it comes to MARRIAGE, Choosing the right PARTNER could be the difference between you having a successful and happy LIFE or having a mediocre and unhappy Life. Nowadays, many people are getting into MARRIAGE without being ready and prepared for it and without taking the time to really know each other. Most have been pressurised by their social environment(Peers, Family, Church..etc). Don’t let your social environment decide for You, Take your time, don’t listen to people because when you make the wrong choice, they won’t be there to endure the pain and struggle for you .
Your Partner is Key to your SUCCESS, You will be spending 90% of your time with Him/Her, Like it or No, he or she will have a big influence on where you will end up !!! Remember it is your Life…. Don’t Gamble with it.

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